如何检查iPhone或iPad是否存在无法在iOS 11上运行的32位应用程序
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iPhones and iPads will no longer run 32-bit apps with the release of  later in 2017. Those apps currently display a message saying they “need to be updated”, and they won’t run at all once you’ve upgraded. Here’s how to check which apps you have installed will stop functioning, if any.

iPhone和iPad将在2017 晚些时候发布的不再运行32位应用程序。这些应用程序当前显示一条消息,表明它们“需要更新”,并且一旦升级,它们将完全无法运行。 这是检查已安装的应用程序将停止运行(如果有)的方法。

如何检查32位应用程序 (How to Check for 32-Bit Apps)

When you first launch one of these older 32-bit apps on a modern iPhone or iPad, you’ll be warned. On iOS 10.3, the warning says that “[App Name] Needs to Be Updated” and explains “This app will not work with iOS 11. The developer of this app needs to update it to improve its compatibility.”

当您在现代iPhone或iPad上首次启动这些较旧的32位应用程序之一时,会收到警告。 在iOS 10.3上,警告内容为“ [应用名称]需要更新”,并说明“此应用无法在iOS 11上使用。此应用的开发人员需要对其进行更新以提高其兼容性。”

This warning began back in iOS 9, released in 2015, where the warning was a more mild “[App Name] Mya Slow Down Your iPhone or iPad” and explained “The developer of this app needs to update it to improve its compatibility.”

此警告始于2015年发布的iOS 9,当时警告较为温和,“ [应用名称] Mya Slow Down Your iPhone或iPad”,并解释道“此应用的开发人员需要对其进行更新以提高其兼容性。”

However, there’s also a quick way to see at a glance which of your installed apps will no longer function on iOS 11. Just head to Settings > General > About > Applications. This screen lists apps that are 32-bit only and won’t run on iOS 11. If you don’t see any apps here, you’re good—all your installed apps will continue functioning after the upgrade to iOS 11.

但是,还有一种快速的方法可以一目了然地查看哪些已安装的应用程序将在iOS 11上不再运行。只需转到“设置”>“常规”>“关于”>“应用程序”。 此屏幕列出了仅32位且无法在iOS 11上运行的应用程序。如果您在此处没有看到任何应用程序,那就很好–在升级到iOS 11后,所有已安装的应用程序将继续运行。

苹果为何放弃对32位软件的支持? (Why Is Apple Dropping Support for 32-bit Software?)

This change has been a long time coming. Apple announced that 32-bit apps would no longer be supported in the future to developers back in 2013, four years ago. Starting in 2015, 64-bit support became mandatory for both new apps added to the App Store and updates to existing apps. App developers have had years to prepare for this moment.

这种变化已经很长时间了。 苹果公司宣布,四年前的2013年,开发人员将来将不再支持32位应用程序。 从2015年开始,对添加到App Store的新应用程序和对现有应用程序的更新都必须提供64位支持。 应用开发人员已经为此准备了很多年。

That means apps that show as incompatible haven’t been updated in years. Apple would like to entirely drop 32-bit support so iPhone and iPads won’t need to keep supporting those legacy apps forever. Starting with iOS 11, iPhones and iPads will entirely run 64-bit code. Apple can remove the 32-bit compatibility libraries that take up additional space and stop spending time maintaining them.

这意味着显示为不兼容的应用多年未更新。 苹果希望完全放弃对32位的支持,因此iPhone和iPad无需永远支持那些旧版应用程序。 从iOS 11开始,iPhone和iPad将完全运行64位代码。 Apple可以删除占用更多空间的32位兼容性库,并不再花时间维护它们。

This is different from the strategy Microsoft takes with Windows of maintaining backwards compatibility as long as possible. Apple intends to move iOS forward, and it’s up for developers to keep their apps updated. Apple doesn’t promise backwards compatibility forever, although it did give developers a warning years before this change.

这与Microsoft在Windows中采取的尽可能长时间保持向后兼容性的策略不同。 苹果打算将iOS向前推进,开发人员有责任保持其应用程序的更新。 Apple不会永远保证向后兼容,尽管它确实在更改之前向开发人员发出警告。

您唯一的资源:与开发人员联系并获取他们以更新其应用程序 (Your Only Recourse: Contact the Developers and Get Them to Update Their Apps)

The good news is that the vast majority of apps have been updated to 64-bit versions. If you have apps that haven’t been updated to 64-bit, poke around on the App Store and you should hopefully be able to find a new version or a replacement that works well and is still supported.

好消息是,绝大多数应用程序已更新为64位版本。 如果您的应用程序尚未更新为64位,请在App Store上浏览一下,希望可以找到运行良好且仍受支持的新版本或替代版本。

Games are another matter. While apps can usually be replaced by something that works similarly, each game is unique. A developer may have created a game years ago and gone out of business or stopped updating the game for another reason. When iOS 11 rolls around, those games will be unplayable on modern iPhones and iPads unless they’re updated—and many of them will never be. You may have games you purchased years ago that will stop functioning.

游戏是另一回事。 虽然通常可以用类似的方式替换应用程序,但每个游戏都是唯一的。 开发人员可能在几年前就创建了游戏,然后倒闭或出于其他原因停止更新游戏。 当iOS 11面世时,除非对其进行更新,否则这些游戏将无法在现代iPhone和iPad上播放,而且其中许多游戏永远都不会。 您可能已经购买了几年前停止运行的游戏。

You can contact the developer and ask them to update the app, if you like. Tap the app’s name on the App Compatibility screen and you’ll see its page on the App Store. Scroll down on the Details pane and tap “Developer Website” to access the developer’s website, where you may be able to contact the developer and request they update the app. You may also see contact information within the app.

您可以根据需要与开发人员联系,并要求他们更新应用。 在“应用程序兼容性”屏幕上点击应用程序的名称,您将在App Store上看到其页面。 在“详细信息”窗格上向下滚动,然后点击“开发者网站”以访问开发者的网站,您可以在其中与开发者联系并请求他们更新应用程序。 您可能还会在应用程序中看到联系信息。

However, many apps will never be updated. That’s just the way it is. if you want to keep using these apps while still continuing to update your primary iPhone or iPad, you might want to consider picking up an older, used device. Any device that will continue running iOS 10 or iOS 9, such as the venerable iPad 2, iPad mini 1, iPhone 5, or iPod touch (5th generation) will remain stuck on the old version of iOS and will continue to support these 32-bit apps, which will remain available in the App Store for installation on older devices. An old iPad may be the ideal way to continue playing these games or using specialty apps that you really depend on.

但是,许多应用程序将永远不会更新。 就是那样子。 如果您想继续使用这些应用程序而又继续更新主要的iPhone或iPad,则可能要考虑购买旧的二手设备。 任何将继续运行iOS 10或iOS 9的设备,例如古老的iPad 2,iPad mini 1,iPhone 5或iPod touch(第5代),都将停留在旧版iOS上,并将继续支持这32-位应用,这些应用将在App Store中保持可用状态,以便在较旧的设备上进行安装。 旧的iPad可能是继续玩这些游戏或使用您真正依赖的专业应用程序的理想方式。

If you don’t plan on hanging onto a compatible device, you may just want to play those games all you can between now and iOS 11’s release date later in 2017. Only the app’s developer can truly fix the problem and ensure it continues functioning on modern devices.

如果您不打算挂在兼容的设备上,则可能只想现在就玩这些游戏,直到2017年晚些时候iOS 11的发行日期即可。只有应用程序的开发人员才能真正解决问题并确保它可以继续在现代设备。



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